Model L-4
Bourdon 16 Lieblichgedackt 16 Octave 8
GedacktFlote 8 Choral Bass 4 Posaune 16 Clarion 4
Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal MIDI on Pedal
Gedackt 8 Salicional 8 Voix Celeste 8 Principal 4
Koppelflote 4 Nasat 2-2/3 Blockflote 2 Tierce 1-3/5 Cymbale III Basson 16 Trompette 8 Tremulant MIDI on Swell |
Lieblich Gedackt 16 Principal 8 Harmonic Flute 8 Flute Celeste II 8 Octave 4 Spitzflote 4 Super Octave 2 Mixture IV Krummhorn 8 Tremulant Swell to Great MIDI on Great
Great Pedal Unenclosed Bass Coupler Melody Coupler Console Speakers Off External Speakers Off
FOUR VOICING SUITES: Classic American, French, Baroque and Wurlitzer
Bass Coupler (Couples the Pedal stops to the lowest note played on the Great).
Melody Coupler (Couples the Swell stops to the top note played on the Great).
Twelve note transposer.
7 general thumb pistons.
AUDIO SYSTEM: Two channels totalling 120 W RMS, one 15" speaker, two premium 8"
speakers and two tweeters; custom speaker installations and antiphonal divisions
are optional.
CONSOLE DIMENSIONS: Width 1305mm, Height 1130mm, Depth 749mm, Depth with pedalboard and bench: 1092mm.
All specifications and stop lists subject to change without notice or obligation.