The theatre organ society meet socially on the first Sunday of each month (March to November) to enjoy the music of the mighty theatre organ
- an instrument which evolved during the silent movie era as accompaniment to
silent films. Concerts are held featuring local, interstate and overseas artists.
The society owns and maintains a three manual, 12 rank Compton theatre pipe
organ, which is located in the John Leckie Music Centre, Melvista Avenue,
Nedlands. We also have a large screen TV installed so that you can watch the organist's hands in action!
Click here to see a video of the Compton theatre organ in action.
The society holds an afternoon of music on the first Sunday afternoon of each month at 2pm.
Members play the organ, as well as a Yamaha grand piano which is also housed in the building.
These meetings are free of charge (although a small fee is charged for afternoon tea).
You are welcome to come along and enjoy organ and piano music. Sometimes referred to as "Wurlitzer Music", usually it is relaxing, instrumental versions of songs from the last century. Do you play the piano? Would you like the opportunity to have a go on a three manual theatre pipe organ? Feel free to come along on the first Sunday of each month. We welcome any new players....
Membership of the society is open to all who love to listen to organ music, not only those who can play! Membership costs $40 per person or $60 per family for a year's membership. Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter, as well as discounted concert ticket prices, and access to the organ for practice.
For details of the events to be held this year, click on Concert Details.
Please note the March 2025 meeting has been CANCELLED due to the hall not being available!
Yes, we are now on Facebook.
Click here to visit our Facebook page...
Have a look at our videos on YouTube.
Click here to visit our YouTube channel...
Click here to visit the MidiTzer website and install a theatre organ on your computer.